Life Is Meaningless and That's Okay
Is there a right answer to the question of life's purpose?
My painful realizations
I was raised in a religious cult and then had to go through self-initiated realizations, breaking all I believed about life a few times over during my brief life.
The first realization was that the Christian God, whom I was raised to worship, was a bunch of bollocks. Nothing made sense, and the whole religion was filled with contradictions, infested with the most flawed of human behavior, filling me with infinite rage.
I entered my passionate atheist phase, where I delved into science and focused purely on the material plane. This had satisfied me for a decade, but sickness and a complete shutdown of my body forced me to come to terms with my mortality and the incredible fragility of my meat suit, throwing me down some deep and endless holes.
The third realization was that even the material, atheistic, scientific view of the world no longer made sense, not in isolation. I realized it was explaining the world on the surface but was perpetually chasing its tail as it never acknowledged the true nature of the Universe (that it might be mental). Everything I perceived and believed was proven to be false, as this Universe is not what it appears.
Record amounts of people are questioning the meaning today
The more we become collectively intelligent, individualistic, educated, and able to think independently, the more we struggle with the “higher questions.”
Today you have a problematic combination of being single, childless, non-religious, and stuck on a material plane, chasing earthly pleasure, be it money, experiences, or achievements that never truly satisfy you.
You are stuck in perpetually seeking the ever-elusive “more.” Nothing is ever enough. There is no end in sight. You will never know peace chasing the “more” because it inherently signals that you are “not enough” as you are.
When we add access to all possible information and perspectives, it’s no wonder so many people are struggling.
Not to mention that the majority of people in the Western hemisphere don’t have real problems to solve, so they invent new ones that offer them a purpose in the form of a struggle (e.g., wokeness, global warming).
Pick your purpose from the menu
From a biological viewpoint, the purpose or meaning of life is to reproduce, divide cells, and ensure the continuation of life. It’s how all living beings, including plants, are wired.
From a spiritual viewpoint, the purpose of life is often to achieve enlightenment and awaken from beyond this material world, Maya, the simulation. Transcend the needs and desires of the body, and you are essentially a God-like creature existing on a higher plane.
From a philosophical viewpoint, the purpose of life could be to acquire as much understanding of the world as possible and absolute mastery over yourself.
From a religious viewpoint, we could conclude that the purpose of life is to live a good life, one that dear old heavenly dad approves of, and complete the journey to heaven. It’s essentially a competition for your father's favor and a struggle against your mortal desire to spend eternity in “the good place” instead of the “bad one.”
From a strictly materialistic viewpoint, the purpose of life is to accumulate as much money and things as possible. There is no end, as one can always “win more,” which is why the wealthy never stop lusting for money—it’s about their purpose, identity, and what drives them. The hedonistic approach is similar.
From a social viewpoint, the purpose of life is to scale the ladder and become the leader of men, the chieftain, or, if you’re more modest, to play your social part well. The need to serve might also be a part of social meaning.
Which way, weary traveler?
The purpose of your life is what you choose it to be!
Existence on this plane, in human form, offers endless games you can play.
It’s up to you to choose those you find fun and meaningful and pursue them.
No one can tell you what your purpose is unless you let them.
We are being influenced all day long from all sides
Everyone (parents, peers, society, environment, TV, social media) wants to impose their ideas onto you. If you cater to their desires, you might end up being lost and miserable, having wasted your life doing something that doesn’t fulfill you.
What is the purpose of a tree or an animal?
Is it not “just to BE,” and while being what they are, fit perfectly within an ecosystem, like a cog in the machine?
There is simplicity in following nature and the passage of time without questioning its meaning. The irony of the whole “we are superior beings because we can think intelligently” idea is that this ability is the reason we are often miserable and suffer immensely.
Without thoughts, there are no problems
I have found that the happiest, most tranquil, and fulfilled state of mind is the “NO-MIND.”
When your head is empty of thoughts, there are no problems, no time, no desires, no needs, no to-do’s, no inequities, no loneliness, no jealousy, no depression, no anger, no sadness, no annoying inner voices - only a blissful existence, perfectly seated in the present moment, enjoying the beauty of existence.
The state of being in the present moment, devoid of all thought, is nirvana, heaven, and divine tranquility all in one. And guess what? It’s free and achievable right now, and in that moment, you never lack anything, much less purpose.
I would argue this is peak existence, even though I know it sounds empty. Sometimes, full and empty are the same thing.
Who are you when everything is stripped away? - Nothing and everything!
How do you know what is the best choice for you?
It doesn’t really matter. You have no inherent purpose or meaning to life to achieve or focus on. Not a unilateral one, anyway. The only measure of success or purpose is how you feel about it.
Play with different ideas and see how they feel
Try on a few paths. Change course if they don’t do it for you.
Examine what you truly want to spend your life doing, not what is expected of you.
What seems important?
What drives you?
What did you love as a kid and still do?
What makes time seem to disappear when you’re doing it?
When are you most happy?
Pretend you are lying on your deathbed
This life is like a sandbox. Everything can and will disappear one day, and we’re not taking anything with us. Death is the ultimate test.
Imagine you are thinking back on your life—what made you most happy, and what was the best transaction in exchange for your time—which you have now run out of.
What is important in that moment? (your career, the number of followers, money in your bank, the car outside, what the neighbour thinks of you, or perhaps the people who love you)
What would have made you think - I have lived a good life and am now ready to depart this realm?
What would you regret wasting your precious time on?
One possible definition
“The purpose of your life is to experience, feel, learn, and do whatever you desire (are driven to).”
It sounds selfish and individual, yet it’s the only thing that makes sense once you realize that this experience of life on Earth is most likely either a game we chose to play or a spectacle of randomness.
The only counterargument I can think of is if you believe your life and purpose have been preordained before your birth by some higher power (God, fate, the Universe…).
But even then, how would this elaborate power, your creator and designator, tell you what to do with your life since you didn’t come with an instruction manual?
Through intuition, desires, needs, personal preferences, abilities, and inclinations. Which ends up being the same thing.
How will you know you found your purpose?
When you can sit alone, do nothing, reflect on your life at this moment, and think to yourself: “If this life were to end right now, I am perfectly happy, for I have lived a good life. I am fulfilled. I am at peace,” you will know you’re on the right path.
May you live a good life by your own standards, and when the time comes, die a regret-free soul.
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