Everything You Think You Know About History Could Be a Lie
History is being rewritten in front of our eyes in an era of free access to information. What are the odds of everything in our official history being a lie? Overwhelming, I’m afraid.

Everything is a lie these days
There have always been fringe elements in society that have claimed that we were being lied to by the mainstream media, historians, and science about our past. Mostly, we dismissed them as fools, far removed from reality. But what if they were right all along?
Even just a decade ago, none of us believed that we could possibly see what we are witnessing today. Unfortunately, the majority is still blind to it. With all this information out there and our interconnectedness, we still can’t see it happening.
There are signs everywhere—articles from the same media or publication that counter each other, facts that disagree with narratives, alternate sources of data, and yet, most people can’t even see it despite living in a global community without one overreaching force controlling the flow of information.
Propaganda is immense. Lies from official channels never stop, and they just don’t care when they are proven to have lied. There are no repercussions. Not even an official apology and explanation. Nothing. Like it never happened, and people are somehow okay with that.
Political opponents, whistleblowers, and witnesses are being prosecuted, hunted, and killed en mass, and it’s like business as usual. You’re either with us or against us, and if you’re against us, you have to go. Right or wrong doesn’t matter. We’re so used to it that one would think we’ve always lived in a tyrannical authoritarian society when it’s best to close your eyes to the truth and shut up about facts “or else.”
History is being altered before our very eyes. Cultural and historical statues are being torn down, books are being forbidden, and information is being changed in real-time to fit the ideologies of the current time, politics, and those who control the information flow (media and internet giants).
The meaning of words is being changed to fit the current narrative. They are literally changing our language, which will have unimaginable consequences down the line.
Science is supposed to be ever-changing and evolving, but not all the time and in the span of months, not decades. Nowadays, science is more akin to religion. Believe the majority, or be cast aside, marked as an unemployable scientist and an unbeliever in the consensus. It’s maddening.
Politics and perceptions are more important than science and facts. When in conflict, politics and agendas win out. Again, this is more akin to religion than science, starting with flu viruses, climate change, energy, technology, and basic freaking biology!
Algorithms that determine what you see on the internet, in the search results, and on your social media are all flawed in the worst way. They always push the content that reaffirms your beliefs and interests, distorting any objective reality, are under the direct control of very few people who decide what types of content and messages are being promoted and what is being suppressed, and are incentivized by profitability, not objectivity and truth.
Trust is gone
The fabric of perceived reality is being intentionally and carelessly altered while we’re watching, and we just absorb it all as if that’s perfectly normal. All credibility of experts, leaders, news sources, and science was squandered because those of us with open eyes have seen behind the curtain, and what we saw wasn’t pretty. This is not good, friends.
How can we function as a society when all trust is gone, there are no more reliable sources of knowledge and information, and everything is a lie?
Imagine the extent of alteration to facts and history throughout centuries
All of the above pertains to today, in the age of the Internet, libraries, 90% global literacy, and quasi-democracies. Now, think back in time and imagine how bad things must have been only a few decades ago.
Most of the world was ruled by authoritarian dictators with absolute control over information, declaration of facts, and zero regard for life and truth. A king could have made up whatever he wanted and killed anyone who disagreed with him for most of our past.
Every time a country was run over by the enemy, they made sure their version of history was written as fact. There are no objective records, as they would all have been burned long ago. It’s like a game of telephone through millennia. Only the message kept changing to fit the current ruler and belief system. What are the odds that any of what we read today is the exact original message? Zero!
We have had decades of communist and socialist rules, where science and truth were the antichrist to unity, party narrative, and obedience. Intellectuals, journalists, and scientists alike were imprisoned when they dared speak about facts that disagreed with the party line. There was no truth then. It was only official propaganda that was served by the ruling communist party. Truth and facts had nothing to do with it!
It is estimated that only about 20-30% of the human population was even literate only a hundred years ago. Most of the world couldn’t read or write for most of our history, which means that very few were responsible and, indeed, able to record history and interpret events through their own eyes.
The Church burned books, as did the communists and socialists. Reading was forbidden, and all information could only be accessed by appointed clerks and messengers. Knowledge was literarily forbidden through whole centuries of our past!
Whenever information or resources disproved the official beliefs and narrative of the ruling class, politicians, or religion, they were hidden away and disposed of. Similar practices are still in operation today, but just imagine the scale of what knowledge has been lost throughout our history.
Impossible - that can’t be happening, for I would know it!
Even today, museums, historical and scientific societies, and colleges hide historical artifacts and findings that contradict the official version of events. Who the hell knows what is hidden in their endless cellars?
If you think this is a conspiracy theory, you have your head so tightly stuck up your ass, I’m impressed you can still breathe. Those are some mighty mental acrobatics, dear friend. It takes true dedication and utter ignorance, or blind faith, to be this blind to what is happening all around you.
You might think that’s not possible. I couldn’t be fooled that easily. I would know and realize if it were really happening. You’re wrong. All of those bad actors, from dictators to religious leaders to genocidal maniacs to communists and socialists, had managed to fool the vast majority of their people.
The majority is always in the dark and, more or less, always wrong. They trust and blindly follow whatever their authority feeds them. Don’t worry; you aren’t alone in this—they never knew it until it was too late, either.
Here is one simple metric to always keep in mind regarding wisdom and the truth:
The ignorant fool always believes he knows the truth, is smart, absolutely right, and understands everything there is to understand.
The wise person knows he knows nothing, doesn’t have all the data, is blind to the truth, and cannot be objective, as everything is always a perspective—his perspective, which could very well be wrong.
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