I've Never Met a Person I Agreed on Everything With - and That's Okay
We don't have to agree on everything and be on the same side of the issue to love, accept, and respect each other.
I love reading good books from great thinkers
Even with these uber-minds, I find things that are either completely insane, unplausible to my understanding of reality, or that I simply disagree with. Here's the thing:
I don't take it against them! I take what I like and leave out what I dislike. It's okay to disagree. We can still learn from each other. I'm sure that most readers occasionally find problems with my perspective, beliefs, and ideas, and I'm fine with that.
There are exceptions to this rule
Those beliefs that discredit the person for me to such a degree that I don't even want to hear what they think anymore because they have either revealed a flawed character, incompatable morals, or they are completely on the wrong side of sanity.
Still, it would be better to have them around and always be exposed to different perspectives, opinions, and beliefs, even when your skin crawls when you hear them because there is a very real danger of trapping ourselves into little "echo chambers."
A few examples:
Whenever I read or listen to someone on the topic of mind over matter, I always hit a wall I cannot fathom they would entertain. Either it's some religious thing, surface understanding, or making absurd conclusions I do not share. That's fine. I will still read them and absorb what I find helpful.
Even with science, doctors, and the so-called experts, some things make sense, and some don't. They are not immune to groupthink, peer pressure, monetary pressures, and career pressures. I never take anything at face value because I've learned they are just as flawed as us, mere mortals. Sometimes, their egos and groupthink mentality make them even worse.
Authority. I despise authority that has not been earned. Yet, in society, we continually find ourselves being "ruled" over by people who aren't better or wiser than us, yet they hold a higher position. Most cave in, and then we have the "I was just following orders" excuses and "I trusted them" explanations. To hell with that! Every person is responsible for himself. Use your head and stand by it when you disagree on something.
Blind obedience and groupthink are the worst things to come out of humanity and have led to hundreds of millions of deaths in the extreme.
I can still like and love someone, even when I disagree with them
I may lose respect, though, and they might end up in a mental compartment of people who shouldn't be taken seriously or ever be trusted again. Unfortunately, much of that has been happening in the last couple of years.
Sometimes, the easiest path forward is to avoid specific topics where conflicts could erupt. The truth is that you are not convincing anyone of what you believe, especially when they are dead set on their own ideas. Covid, jabs, politics, man-made climate change, health beliefs, ethics, and religions are perfect examples of that.
I prefer to hang around people who understand that we can love and respect each other, even when we vehemently disagree on some topic.
I am best friends with a vegan and a carnivore while being neither. They both have their "religious beliefs" regarding why their way is the only right and healthy way, and I stick to my thesis of "the mind is all." Still, we hang out, tease each other, and regularly dine together.
I can agree with my friends and family on just about anything, and it won't diminish how much I love them. Every once in a while, some of us release a mental fart, revealing what we think of the other and their beliefs, but that's okay. I call them little relief valves. Forgive them quickly and move on. One of us is a raging capitalistic materialist, another a socialist with an affinity for conspiracies, and the third lives in his own world, which he calls a simulation. All of that is fine and makes for some interesting conversations.
The key to making such relationships work is simple:
Take nothing personal. It's not about you or against you when people hold different beliefs. Never allow yourself to be offended by others - that's insanity and a sign of your weak beliefs and confidence. If you believe in yourself and understand why you formed certain opinions, then you will never feel offended by people challenging or even mocking them. Never make your belief a personal identity, or you will always perceive every opposing opinion as a personal attack. They are not, so stop taking them as such. Other people's beliefs and opinions are about them, never about you!
Understand that we all have different opinions and perspectives, and that is all there is. There is no absolute truth in most things, only perspectives. You or I could be wrong about anything and never know it. We all live essentially in different universes, as our perceptions and understandings differ greatly. What is true for me isn't true for you, and vice versa. What I've learned, you did not learn. What you've lived, I did not experience. Our interests, values, and beliefs sometimes conflict, which is perfectly natural and okay.
Stop trying to change people's minds, fix them, and convince them that you are right. This is a big one. Even when you believe with all your heart that people are making mistakes, let them. It's their life, and you'll only end up being the bad guy. Sure, make your opinion known - as an opinion and offer help, should they want it. Beyond that, live and let live. We are all responsible for our lives and our lives alone. We don't know what is best for others as we are not them! We also don't have the right to meddle in their affairs. Maybe they need the hard lessons that are coming their way. Who are we to judge?
Focus on what you have in common and talk about that. There's no point in arguing when nothing good can come of it. It's like a Muslim and a Christian arguing which religion is the right one. Or political left and right. Or a wax puppet and an anti-vaxer. Believe what you will and accept that others believe differently. In the end, we all eat the fruits of our beliefs.
Well, there you have it. It's okay to have different opinions, perspectives, and beliefs. It's what makes us unique individuals and not some hive-mind creature.
Let's celebrate our differences and laugh at how incompatible we are instead of forcing everyone on our side. We'll get along much better.
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