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Short introduction:
I have suffered from an autoimmune disease for most of my life. It took an absolute breakdown of my body and mind to look into the matter and heal myself. While my burnout, caused by a combination of stress and my disease, was challenging and unpleasant, it was also life-changing in a good way.
Long story short, I was sick from my early teen years, perhaps even before, and up until I was 28 years old. Unfortunately, the healing wasn’t a quick, painless, or pleasant process for me. After hitting rock bottom, I was finally open to dealing with the source of my problem, not just suppressing the symptoms of the disease.
You see, it’s not easy to realize or admit that we are the cause of our discomfort, disease, or other problems. It’s much easier to look for the reasons in the outside world. Climate, economy, medical institutions, food, jobs, whatever that may be. But the truth is that those have very little to do with your problems, especially when we’re talking about autoimmune diseases.
It’s in the name, isn’t it? Auto-immune disease.
We think that when doctors examine us, they are looking for the underlying causes of our problems. But they aren’t! They are stuck on the outside looking in. They check the symptoms, but they rarely find the underlying causes of our medical problems.
Consequently, they make an educated guess and prescribe some sort of treatment, usually in the form of medicine that deals with symptoms and symptoms alone. No, not always, but in the case of autoimmune disease, we might just use that word.
We feel better as our symptoms subside for a while, but we haven’t solved the real cause of our problems. What happens when we stop using their medicine? The symptoms return.
Why do you think this is?
Because the sources of all autoimmune diseases lie in the mind, deep within. The doctors can’t see in there, nor do they care to look for the most part. What happens after you visit the doctor and they come to the conclusion that you have an autoimmune disease?
They give you something for the worst of the symptoms and send you packing. “We can’t help you. We don’t know what causes these problems. Find a way to live with the disease. It is incurable. Avoid stress, figure out a diet that works for you, and when you get to an acute state, inflammation, etc., come see me, and we’ll patch you up.”
Sounds familiar? If you’re suffering from an autoimmune disease, I’m betting you’ve heard a version of this talk. I have. Everyone I know who has an autoimmune disease has. With these issues, medicine is more or less useless. They will save us from the worst of our symptoms, but they are helpless and disinterested in healing and disposing of the underlying causes.
Listen to the rest in the voiceover at the top of this post, or read the article.
About the podcast/voiceover:
I have begun narrating my articles, giving them a more personal note.
The recordings are a “one take only” kind, with no editing.
English is not my native language, so I apologize in advance.
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