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Short introduction:
In this episode, we will learn how to create a state of inner peace and happiness at any time, from anywhere.
We will create some space between ourselves and our minds, examine the truth of its ramblings, and learn to detach. When you are done, you will be able to, with a little practice, smile at the inner screen of your mind and ignore whatever it is torturing you with.
Once you have achieved that level of detachment and awareness, you will be free from the mind. Never again will it hold power over you, as you will now have the tools and the understanding to take the seat of awareness and observe it without going along with its imagery and voices.
Do you imagine the Universe is agitated? Go to the desert at night and look at the stars. This should answer the question.” — Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
I love this quote. I also love the desert and observing the night sky. It has always grounded me in a sense of insignificance and immense peace.
When looking at the stars, everything is in order.
No stress. No hurry. No time. No problems. Only balance, expansion, transmutation, and perfection. The death of a star is but the birth of something new. An explosion beyond our comprehension, just a blip in the night sky.
Most of us can’t just up and leave for a desert retreat to bathe in the silence and tranquility of nature at its most peaceful, and we don’t have to.
Meditation is not all that complicated unless you make it. Sit down, shut up, and observe your mind without engaging with the thoughts, images, and sounds that emerge. That’s it.
The more you practice, the easier and faster you will experience the tranquility of inner silence. This moment of inner peace, derived from the absence of thoughts and inner voices, can guide us toward the truth. It can point us in the direction of the actual problem.
The source of all our troubles is not the outside world, as we falsely believe— it’s our mind.
Peace is always within our reach. Just a few breaths away. In the silence of our mind.
Listen to the rest in the voiceover at the top of this post, or read the article.
About the podcast/voiceover:
I have begun narrating my articles, giving them a more personal note.
The recordings are a “one take only” kind, with no editing.
English is not my native language, so I apologize in advance.
Voiceover of recent articles is a feature for paid subscribers. For the price of a coffee a month, you get full access to all my content. There is also a free 7-day trial.
Some voiceovers are free, and others might unlock in time.
If you are visually impaired, you can contact me, and I will grant you access, no questions asked. I trust you won’t abuse this option for those who really need it.
For an overview of the NEW voiceover project, please read or listen to THIS!
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