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Short introduction:
In this episode, we’ll be observing nature. A simple example of the circle of life in the savanna can help illustrate how our perception and feelings about any situation depend on our perspective. If we alter the perspective even slightly, a whole new world opens up for us.
There are no absolute truths, only perspectives. True or false?
I’ve been spending a lot of time meditating, that is to say, thinking deeply about perspectives, and I’ve found it has opened my eyes to some of my greatest mental fallacies. Most people don’t like to think that their perspective, “their truth,” might not be the only one. The ultimate truth, the absolute truth. That their worldview might have some blind spots, that not everyone sees things the way they do.
These are scary concepts for most. But for me, they are exactly where the hidden treasures of understanding, knowledge, and growth usually reside. On the other side of comfort and fear lie the diamonds you seek or something similar.
I like to torture my girlfriend with these concepts, and I almost enjoy her inability even to think in these terms, much less show any desire for it. She usually looks at me as if I’m from another planet for thinking about such impractical things. “We’ll have to agree to disagree there,” honey. I believe that challenging our worldview and our deepest beliefs is of utmost importance. How else are we to get any closer to some semblance of the truth, and how are we to grow if we are not willing to widen our mental horizon with some unpleasant topics?
Why unpleasant? Well, you’ll see. I will attempt to challenge your thinking, as I regularly do mine, with some slightly harder-to-digest ideas, by challenging you to change your perspective around a myriad of issues. If only for a moment or two. One could call them mental experiments. I like to call them “meditations.”
My purpose isn’t to convince you or change your mind about anything. I have no horse in the game, as it were. Rather, that’s sort of the point. To meditate on the possibilities that we all have widely different perspectives and that “my “truth” isn’t necessarily “your truth.” Nor am I saying that these ideas are the right ideas or that the words written henceforth are in any way, shape or form, “the truth.”
“The more I know, the more I realize I know nothing.” Socrates
Listen to the rest in the voiceover at the top of this post, or read the article.
About the podcast/voiceover:
I have begun narrating my articles, giving them a more personal note.
The recordings are a “one take only” kind, with no editing.
English is not my native language, so I apologize in advance.
Voiceover of recent articles is a feature for paid subscribers. For the price of a coffee a month, you get full access to all my content. There is also a free 7-day trial.
Some voiceovers are free, and others might unlock in time.
If you are visually impaired, you can contact me, and I will grant you access, no questions asked. I trust you won’t abuse this option for those who really need it.
For an overview of the NEW voiceover project, please read or listen to THIS!
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